Execute Your Vision: Learn All You Want, but also do Things!

decal on office windowThere’s the wills, and the will nots.  The contractors who WILL do the necessary things to accomplish their business goals, and the contractors who WILL NOT.

When you actually do something different in your business, your employees take notice. They may do so quietly, but they will notice that something is happening.  That the standard is improving. It’s up to the leader to make these positive changes.

Payroll is a contractor’s largest expense. Doing things that make your team feel good about you and your company, that reward them for accomplishments, and that ultimately, make them want to stay with your company, these would be important things.

wall decal above shop doorSmall things you can DO to begin to make a positive impact:

  • Hang a poster of your company’s Vision, Mission, and Values.
  • Hang a bulletin board and post great things being done by your team.
  • Decal interior windows with messages
  • Create a Job Board where people can comment on the work done
  • Name the rooms in your office with positive names that mean something to your business, like Craftsmen, Talent, or Results.

Whatever it is, no matter how small, do something consistently to make your team notice that positive things are happening.